Origami Links

Craft Ideas

  • Make a family of toilet roll owls Cardboard Tube Owls Kiwi Crate
  • Make a bird brooch from felt or material scraps (glue or sew pieces) Sew a safety pin at the back.
  • Make a bird mask. Use your imagination and the things you have at hand. Try using feathers you have collected, coloured paper or cardboard, paint or crayons, paper plates or egg cartons, wool or wood shavings, odd scraps of fabric or felt. Or try a balloon and papermache.
  • Winter Activity – Turn a toilet roll tube into a bird feeder. Cover in peanut butter, use one with no added salt or sugar, then roll in bird seed and hang on a branch or thread some string through the roll and tie to a branch.
  • Make a bird themed greeting card. Draw your own basic bird and use it as a pattern or print the pdf pattern BirdCards. Outline the bird pieces on different coloured or patterned craft paper (you can use pages from old magazines) and cutout pieces, glue together as desired to make the birds, cut small triangles for owl beaks and glue in place,  glue eye buttons or draw eyes and legs using gel pens or markers.
  • Decorate a book mark
  • Paint birds onto flat river stones
  • Pictures to colour in

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